BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing (Blended) – London

Train to be a registered nurse with a great university. Study online whilst undertaking placement at a leading London NHS trust.

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  • Apply by: 28 March 2025
  • To start: 6 May 2025


3 years flexible learning

Key benefits

  • Study around work and family commitments with blended learning
  • Gain hands-on experience on a placement with an NHS Trust
  • 5 star rating for teaching, inclusiveness, employability and facilities*
  • 70% of university research rated as ‘world-leading’ or ‘internationally excellent’**
  • 8th in the UK for social inclusion***
  • Government grants of at least £5000 per year
  • Fully approved by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC)

*QS Stars World University Rankings 2023
**Research Excellence Framework 2021
***The Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2025

An innovative blended Nursing Bachelor's degree that qualifies you to become a Registered Nurse

The extraordinary demand for nurses and nursing skills in the UK is exemplified by the current UK Government target of recruiting 50,000 additional nurses and 26,000 additional primary care workers by 2025 (, with nursing consistently one of the most employable degree subjects in the UK and worldwide.

The huge contribution that nurses make to public healthcare is more vital today than ever before, with due recognition in 2020 from the WHO, who marked the year as The International Year of the Nurse and Midwife.

The innovative BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing (Blended) from the University of Sunderland and NHS Education has been fully approved by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC). The course has been designed for individuals who want to launch a rewarding career in nursing and make a real difference to people’s lives, every day.

You will learn the knowledge and skills required of a Registered Nurse, and your learning will be directly aligned with the needs of the NHS and other healthcare employers. On successful completion of the course, you will be eligible to register with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) as a Registered Nurse (Adult).

A flexible learning model designed to fit around family and work commitments

This cutting-edge course enables you to more effectively fit your studies around work and family commitments.

Much of the theoretical content of the course is delivered online and on a flexible basis, meaning that you can access it on demand, at times that are convenient to you.

You will spend just over half of the course in clinical practice with an NHS Trust in the North of England under the supervision of registered practitioners. Patient involvement and patient-centred care is a central focus of this course, and you will have regular contact with our Patient, Carer and Public Involvement (PCPI) members throughout the course, who all have experience and expertise as patients or carers.

The University of Sunderland has strong links with local and regional hospitals trusts, including acute and mental health NHS Trusts and GP practices, who are engaged in clinical teaching across every year of the curriculum.

You will also benefit from the University’s purpose-built research and teaching facilities in the Living Lab and Helen McArdle House, which have recently undergone significant investment to provide you with state-of-the-art facilities.

And with two starts per year, you can get started quicker than with traditional on-campus courses, a significant advantage given the very high demand for and take up of nursing placements.

NHS Trusts we work with in London

  • Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
  • Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals Foundation trust
  • South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust
  • County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust
  • North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust
  • North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust
  • South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

What will you study?

You will develop a comprehensive understanding of the requirements of becoming a registered nurse through studying and completing modules in professional practice, nursing practice and physical and human science. On your clinical placements, you will have the opportunity to apply and hone your theoretical knowledge and skills in a practical environment, learning from expert practitioners and other students.

Key knowledge and skills taught on this course:

  • Safe and and effective person-centred care
  • Human anatomy, physiology, microbiology and psychology
  • Assessment and planning of care needs
  • Pharmacology
  • Promoting health and preventing ill health
  • Situational learning in public health
  • Integration of best evidence and best practice
  • Collaborative leadership and management
  • Quality and governance for care delivery
  • Case-loading clinical decision-making

Learn from an academic team recognised for excellence in teaching and research

Whilst studying the BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing (Blended) at the University of Sunderland, you’ll be taught by an academic team of enthusiastic and highly skilled professionals who each have at least one specialist area of both clinical and teaching expertise.

University of Sunderland has been ranked internationally as a leading university, receiving five stars for teaching, inclusiveness, employability and facilities in the QS World University Rankings 2023, the highest rating that can be awarded to a university. A special recognition of our practical focus on developing the skills that enable career progression for our students.

Admission requirements

UK applicants will need to provide proof of ID to complete the application process:

  • Our typical offer is 120 UCAS points from a minimum of two A Levels or equivalent, which should preferably include a Health or Science related subject. Please note we do not accept General Studies AS or A Level. Other qualifications may be considered, please contact the admissions tutor for advice. If you are unsure if your qualifications meet the Entry requirements, please check the UCAS Tariff Calculator. We also require at least five passes at GCSE grade C or above which must include Mathematics and English Language or equivalent. If you have studied for a GCSE which has a numerical grade then you will need to achieve a grade 4 or above. If you meet these requirements, then your application will be individually assessed by the Adult Nursing Admissions Tutor and if successful you will be shortlisted for an online interview which will assess your values, problem solving and communication skills. Medical assessments of your mental and physical health and disclosure of criminal convictions apply to all nursing courses and are based on current NMC requirements. Nurses are registered health care professionals and the ability to practise safely, effectively and professionally is essential, so all applicants are required to follow our fitness to practise procedures. You will be expected to demonstrate digital competency prior to commencing the programme. This course is open to Home UK applicants only.


  • Total course fees: £9,250

Studying this BSc, you will be eligible for a UK Government nursing bursary of at least £5,000 per year (up to a maximum of £8000).

If you are based in the UK, you may also be eligible for a government-backed loan to cover the costs of the course.


Delivering Safe and Effective person-centred care

This module develops a comprehensive understanding of the application of nursing practice interventions, enabling you to bridge the gap of theory to practice via simulated experiences, providing evidence-based, safe, and compassionate physical and psychological care. The inclusion of a professional and accountability framework will underpin practice to ensure you can effectively assess, plan, and implement care and demonstrate a range of nursing interventions practiced in a safe environment with peer and PCPI support. The ability to use practice learning safely and effectively will be facilitated through your understanding and use of reflection, clinical supervision, and feedback. You will also study the impact of information technology, healthcare informatics and issues in transcultural healthcare provision.

Fundamentals of biopsychosocial aspects of human physiology

The aim of this module is to provide a systems-based approach to anatomy and physiology, psychology and microbiology using patient journeys as illustrations to enhance learning. Human health and wellbeing is explored in the context of public health and symptoms of disease. You will develop an understanding of how to communicate complex medical terminology to both colleagues and patients in an understandable manner, including through engagement in discussions of practice experiences with both peers and Patient Carer, Public Involvement (PCPI) participants. Beginning at a molecular and cellular level and culminating in a complete overview of organs and systems, you will develop your understanding of the physiological processes, anatomical and cognitive structures of the human body. Patient journeys with PCPIs will be used to illustrate how and where this knowledge will be applied in practice.

Inclusive Approaches for Assessing and Planning Care Needs

The aim of this module is to provide you with an appreciation of the importance of consent to initiate a holistic and collaborative nursing assessment approach that leads to an appropriate plan of care. This will be based on the inclusive approaches in partnership with families, carers and people involved, to undertake a history recognising the need to use effective and compassionate communication strategies. You will be encouraged to develop a plan of care supported with evidence and rationalise the needs-based approach for realistic implementation. In addition, you will be expected to incorporate a focused needs approach and begin the investigative inquiry to ensure realistic outcomes and goal setting, and in collaboration with the patients and/or client’s assessment, contributing to the plan of care needs.

Promoting Health Preventing Ill Health

The development of the Future Nurse (NMC, 2018) standards encourages all fields of practice to appreciate the knowledge and skills required to improve and maintain the health and wellbeing of the wider population, communities, families, and that of individuals. This module aims to provide you with the ability to develop a route of inquiry which will inform practice, an introduction to the wider determinants of health and wellbeing, appreciating influences leading to inequalities across the lifespan.

You will access demographic data identifying the implementation of local, national, and global strategies within the context of health and wellbeing.

Within this module you will also access the World Health Organisation (WHO) to provide a platform to enable you to explore the principles which underpin the knowledge required for immunisation programmes and eradication of disease, along with the principles of infection prevention and control – including the recording of communicable diseases with a historical overview.

Placement 1 (Year 1)

This module is designed to enable you to apply theoretical components to clinical practice. Models of reflective practice are introduced together with an overview of inter-professional working. It provides an opportunity to gain experience and insight into lived patient experience. Within this module emphasis is placed upon respecting an individual’s autonomy and right to make decisions about their own health and wellbeing The module is aligned into three core elements that reflect the competence, professionalism and knowledge which characterise a high-quality nursing workforce. This reflects the values base of the Nursing and Midwifery Council, The Code (NMC, 2018).

The theoretical underpinning of this module is delivered via a series of interactive workshops where critical engagement with the need to translate theoretical learning into practical application supports the front line of patient care. Simulated experience will introduce the consequences of error and negligence in a risk-free environment, preparing you for the workplace.

Placement 2 (Year 1)

Building on Placement 1, this module is designed to provide you with additional opportunities for the application of theoretical learning to clinical practice opportunities. It provides an opportunity to gain experience and insight into lived patient experience. Within this module emphasis is placed upon respecting an individual’s autonomy and right to make decisions about their own health and wellbeing.

The module is aligned into three core elements that reflect the competence, professionalism and knowledge which characterise a high-quality nursing workforce. This reflects the underpinning values base of the Nursing and Midwifery Council, The Code (NMC, 2018).

Holistic Approaches in Altered Physiology

The aim of this module is to provide you with knowledge of major pathological and physiological changes in the human body, occurring as a result of common diseases, and disease processes. Whilst developing a thorough knowledge of these changes, you will explore the manifestations, impacts and interventions of illness and disease. You will critically explore altered pathological and physiological change and its impact on patient wellbeing from a holistic perspective. Using a range of teaching and learning strategies, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of the impact of these changes and evaluate the implications for nursing practice and multidisciplinary care provision. In addition, co-morbidity and medico pharmaceutical treatments and modalities are examined, as a means of enhancing wellbeing and recovery, within the context of ethical and professional frameworks.

Situational Learning in Public Health - Placement 1 (Year 2)

In this module, you will develop an understanding of how to help people, families, communities and populations to improve or maintain their mental, physical and behavioural health throughout their lifespan. The module equips you with the necessary knowledge and skills to support people at all stages of life and in all care settings and to manage health challenges in order to maximise quality of life and improve health outcomes. By working collaboratively with healthcare professionals, multiple agencies, patients, families and carers, you will develop a strong ethos for teamwork and an understanding of how to enhance the patient experience.

Coordination of Person-Centred Care and Intervention

The aim of this module is to equip you with the knowledge and skills required for your role in coordinating care and managing the complex needs of people from a variety of backgrounds. Nursing interventions are planned holistically and in collaboration with various organisations and settings. You will develop an understanding of the principles of partnership, collaboration and interagency working across all relevant sectors to coordinate care and devise nursing interventions of care which are evidence-based. This module will enable you to understand the principles of health economics and current health legislation which underpin current health and social care policies. Developing this knowledge will allow you to identify implications of current health policy and future policy changes for nursing and other professions and the impact this has on person-centred care.

You will develop an understanding of the need to respond to the challenges of providing safe, effective and person-centered nursing care for people who have co-morbidities and complex care needs. This includes working with patients and their families to establish the most appropriate care to maintain optimal independence and avoid unnecessary interventions and disruptions to their lives.

Integrated Practice Placement 2 (Year 2)

In this module, you will enhance your knowledge of nursing assessment by coordinating and evaluating patient-centred care. You will use evidence-based practice to determine nursing interventions, to provide safe, and compassionate physical and psychological care. The module develops skills that enable you to formulate a nursing plan of care, undertake observations and clinical interventions for patients with acute, chronic and complex care needs. The ability to use practice learning safely and effectively will be facilitated through your understanding and use of reflection, clinical supervision and feedback.

Integrating Best Evidence and Best Practice

This module provides you with a comprehensive understanding of techniques applicable to your own research and advanced scholarship. You will evaluate methodologies and apply critiques of them, as appropriate, synthesizing and evaluating previous studies to identify future research. You will develop skills that demonstrate your critical awareness of contemporary issues in nursing, enabling you to be at the forefront of your discipline.

This module develops knowledge and skills enabling you to apply evidence-based practice to your nursing practice and ensuring you provide safe and compassionate nursing care. You will use the knowledge and skills gained in this module to create a project proposal on improving safety and quality of care.

Integrated Practice Placement 3 (Year 2)

This module develops knowledge of the application of nursing practice to provide evidence-based, safe and compassionate physical and psychological care. The module equips you to effectively assess, plan, implement and evaluate care.

Collaborative Leadership and Management

This module enhances your understanding of inter-professional working and develops leadership and management knowledge and skills when working with and within diverse professional teams. You will further develop knowledge and understanding in self-awareness, improving healthcare and working with others (HEE, 2018).

You will explore the application of key leadership theories and models to healthcare and reflect on personal strengths, enabling you to develop key skills in nursing and healthcare management. You will use these skills to support and supervise others in the delivery of nursing care, promoting reflection and providing constructive feedback. You will examine the role of service improvement and gain understanding of the mechanisms that can influence organisational change and public policy. You will also become politically aware, enhancing your ability to use effective strategies to improve patient care.

Advanced communication skills will enable you to develop effective leadership, management, group and organisational dynamics applied to team-working and decision-making. Using these skills will equip you to lead and manage the nursing care of a group of people, demonstrating prioritisation, delegation and assignment of care responsibilities to others involved in providing care.

Situational Learning Across Alternative Fields of Practice - Placement 1 (Year 3)

This module focuses on mental health, child and learning disabilities in the context of adult nursing. Adult nurses care for people of all ages across their lifespans in a variety of healthcare settings, and this module equips you with the necessary skills to provide evidence-based, person-centred care to people who may suffer from mental, physical, behavioural and cognitive difficulties. You will develop the knowledge and skills which are required to support people at all stages of life and in all care settings and to manage health challenges in order to maximise quality of life and improve or stabilise health outcomes.

You will develop the communication skills to engage in difficult conversations and to support people who are feeling emotionally or physically vulnerable or in distress, conveying sensitivity and compassion. You will also gain an understanding of therapeutic interventions and recognise procedural competence for best practice in the administration of medicines.

You will work collaboratively with healthcare professionals, multiple agencies, patients, carers and families to provide support with a range of care needs to maintain optimal independence and avoid unnecessary interventions and disruptions to lives.

Enabling Quality and Governance for Care Delivery

This module enhances your understanding of improving quality of care through governance, research and audit. It enables you to make a key contribution to the continuous monitoring and quality improvement of care and treatment in order to enhance health outcomes and people’s experience of nursing and related care. You will learn to assess risk to safety and take appropriate action to manage those, putting the best interests, needs and preferences of people first. You will identify local priorities for quality improvements that will make a difference to local healthcare systems. You will also learn how to engage with frontline staff, businesses and academia helping to stimulate innovation and improvement.

Case-loading clinical decision making (patient journey) - Placement 2 (Year 3)

This module builds on previous practical experience to allow you to develop a case load approach to support the recognition of safe and effective care delivery. This will enable you to determine the necessary resources and the ability to provide safe and effective care. As part of this approach you will be provided with problem-based learning approaches to recognising the level of knowledge and skills of members of the team to implement care at any given time, monitoring risk and escalating concerns appropriately.

You will work alongside Allied Healthcare Professionals as part of a team which will enhance inclusivity to provide care and support and supervise peers within a learning environment promoting reflexivity in practice. You will have the opportunity to challenge practice in a safe environment, reinforce levels of resilience and emotional intelligence whilst receiving constructive feedback.

Management Placement (40 credits)

This final practice-based module consolidates your knowledge and application of evidence-based nursing practice within a range of clinical settings. It enables you to consolidate the learning which has taken place in all of the previous modules. The module will prepare you to transition to an autonomous registered practitioner and you will be required to demonstrate the proficiencies identified in the NMC (2018) Future Nurse: Standards of Proficiency for Registered Nurses.

You will be required to demonstrate a systematic understanding of nursing principles and apply knowledge of nursing care provision across the human lifespan, including the health and wellbeing continuum. This will integrate biological, psychological and sociological theory in the context of person-centred care.

You will be a reflexive practitioner and be able to deliver care to people of all ages and across all care settings, working in teams to provide safe and effective nursing care. You will demonstrate a range of clinical skills, including pharmacological principles and the ability to progress to a prescribing qualification following registration.