For our online courses, a variety of modes of assessment will be used to support and test your learning and progress. All modules will offer opportunities for formative feedback and feature at least one summative piece of assessment.
Formative assessments don’t normally contribute towards the mark for a course of study. The focus of group formative feedback is forward looking and focused on improvement. It will identify common areas of strength, common difficulties experienced, and ways in which all students can continue to improve. It is a key point at which we will provide support and guidance that will allow you to develop; as with any feedback, it should also enable you to gauge the progress of your own learning.
Summative assessment contributes to your overall mark and these assignments are designed to allow you to demonstrate the learning you have achieved during your studies. Feedback on these assignments is individual and focused on what you have done well, what you can carry forward, and where you can improve for future assignments.